0-2000 gallons $26.00
Each additional 1000 gallons $3.70
Connection/Reconnection Fee/Transfer Fee $120.00
Connection/Reconnection Fee/Transfer Fee $175.00
(after hours)
Tap-in Fee standard residential $525.00
Tap-in Fee standard residentianl $550.00
with faucet
0-2000 gallons $52.00
Each additional 1000 gallons $5.50
Connection/Reconnection Fee/Transfer Fee $240.00
Connection/Reconnection Fee/Transfer Fee $175.00
(after hours)
Tap-in Fee standard residential $575.00
Tap-in Fee standard residentianl $600.00
with faucet
NFS Check Charge: $20.00
Fire Protection $16.00/month
(per apartment, suite or condo)
Company repairman to customer premisis $60.00
at the customers request, customer
side of the meter
Company repairman to customer premisis $100.00
at the customers request, customer
side of the meter(after hours)
Our rates are regulated by LA Public Service.